Support with Adult Player Registration

Reminders for clubs

It remains essential that players are registered in GMS. Help and support on how to do this can be found here(opens in a new tab).

Please remember that if your players had an effective registration last season, they will likely have needed to renew that registration in the first instance(opens in a new tab).

Once players are appropriately registered, they need to be assigned to the correct teams in Team Management GMS, for them then to be eligible to be included into the EMC.  You can access supporting information on how to do this here(opens in a new tab) and here(opens in a new tab).

Should you encounter any issues with team assignment and/or EMC selection, please access support by raising a ticket with the service desk(opens in a new tab). Should you experience issues on a match day, you can access weekend phoneline support(opens in a new tab).

Clubs are encouraged to complete the EMC set up as early in the week as possible, and to utilise the notes section within the EMC to explain any issues encountered.